Al was presented two Guinness World Record Certificates for his personal achievements during the Apollo 15 mission.

First Spacewalk in Deep Space

Al Worden was Command Module Pilot on Apollo 15, which launched on July 26, 1971 and returned to Earth on August 7, 1971. En route home – and still nearly 320,000 km (198,800 miles) from Earth – Al performed the first-ever space walk that was not in Low Earth Orbit, to retrieve film cassettes from cameras in the scientific instrument module on the spacecraft.
Al Worden’s EVA, on August 5, 1971, lasted for 39 minutes.
Most Isolated Human
Al Worden’s lunar orbit was 27 degrees higher than other missions due to the position of the Apollo 15 landing site, meaning Al Worden was further away from his crew mates on the surface and from the people on Earth when he was on the backside of the Moon. Other missions’ command module pilots orbited the lunar equator.
Al Worden’s lunar orbit was 27 degrees higher than other CMPs.

Kennedy Space Center’s Tell Me A Story
A behind-the-scenes anecdote about Al’s GWR presentation evening.
Apollo 15 Mission Guinness World Records
First lunar mission to include a lunar rover.
Apollo 15, as the first of the more extensive ‘J’ missions, was the first lunar mission to include a lunar rover when it landed on August 7, 1971.
The crew were David R. Scott, James B. Irwin, and Alfred M. Worden.